Monday, February 23, 2015

पोखरामा दुई जाना मा Swine Flu को संक्रमण भेटियो। नेपाल भरी खतरा।

source@kantipur news
Two people were found to have been infected with H1N1 influenza virus, commonly known as swine flu, in Pokhara. A regional laboratory purportedly detected virus in the blood of one 21-year-old male and an 11-year-old child.
According to Bal Krishna Bhusal, chief of the district public health office at Pokhara, the swine flu was detected while conducting tests on the blood sample of two patients admitted at Western Regional Hospital in Pokhara. Both the infected people are residents of Pokhara.
Bhusal further informed that the blood samples have been forwarded to National Public Health Laboratory in Kathmandu for confirmation.
Though the people of bordering towns with India were said to be more susceptible to contracting the disease, the finding of swine flu case in the hill district Kaski, quite far from the border, has stoked fear among the residents of Pokhara.
Bhusal stressed on the need to intensify the awareness programme about swine flu in the tourist town.
The disease can be cured if detected in preliminary stages. The virus usually attacks young people with low immunity.
The first case was of swine flu was detected in Nepal on June 2009. It claimed the lives of over 40 people in the year.

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