Saturday, February 28, 2015

कोशी अञ्चल होस्पिटल का बिमल अग्रवाल सहित अरु क्लिनिक धारी डाक्टरहरु को लापर्वाही।

बिराटनगर , कोशी होस्पिटल :
सुक्रवार को दिन छोरी बिरिमी भयेको बेला सनिवार डाक्टर हुदैनन् भनेर जचौन लगे।आखिर एउटाै डाक्टर हुन क्लिनिक मा गये पनि होस्पिटल मा देखाये पनि भनेर २० रुपैया को पुर्जी काटेउ।
डियुटि म डा. बिमल अग्रवाल रहे छन। हाम्रो छोरी लाई क्लिनिक मा 2-3 पटक जची सकेका डाक्टर छन भन्दा खुसी लग्यो। तर येहा कुरा अर्कै निक्लियो।
डाक्टरसँग को भेट मा कुनै नया ग्रह बाट आयेको मान्छे जस्तै देखिये डाक्टर ।बोल्न हस्न नि पैसा लग्ला जस्तो।
उनी पैले क्लिनिक मा जचौदा भन्थे जोरो त symptom हो के कारन ले जोरो आयो भन्ने ले होअपिटल म मत्र परसिटामोल देर पठाये।

जस्ले खादा जोरो त गयो तर दबाइ ले छोड्न साथ जोरो आउने गर्यो। बच्चा रात भर न सुत्ने र अन्त्य त क्लिनिक लनै परे अवस्था पर्यो। अर्थात  अन्त्य म ५०० को पुर्जी काट्नै पर्यो।

येस्त कैयौं डाक्टर हरु छन। नेपाल मा सरकारी जगिरे ले प्राइवेट जागिर गर्ने लाई नियम बनौने भन्ने सुनेको बेला य्स्तो प्रबिधी जहाँ मन्छे को स्वास्थ मा खेल वाड गरिदै गरेको म सरकार किन मौन छ?

Doctor र पेट्रोल पोम्प को दाइ मा के फरक भयो त?
१) पेट्रोल २०/५०/१०० जति को हल्नुहुन्छ त्यति को पौनु हुन्छ ।
सरकारी डाक्टर को पुर्जी २०रुपैया को कट्नुस २० कै जाँच पैन्छ। ५०० को कट्नुस ५०० कै पाइन्छ।
२) सरकारी डाक्टर र पेट्रोल पोम्प को दाइ दुवै सामान्य तलब मा काम गर्चन।
३) पेट्रोल पम्प को दाइ र सरकारी डाक्टर दुवै लाई बोल्न पैसा लग्छ जस्तो गर्छन।
४) दुवै जान को काम बचाउने हो, एउटा को ज्यान अर्को को इन्धन।
इत्यादि  इत्यादि

सक्दो शयर गर्नुस र येस्तो भेद भाब लाई हतौन अफ्नो भाग निभाउनु होस।

Friday, February 27, 2015

संसार भरी बर्षमा करीब ४०० बिलीयेन डोलर बराबर को खाना ब्यर्थ गै रा छ। The world wastes $400 billion in food every year

Old, rotten food is part of a growing $400 billion problem.
That's how much food is wasted by consumers every year around the world, according to a new report by U.K. nonprofit Waste & Resources Action Programme.
The vast majority of food is wasted in Asia, followed by Europe and then North America.

The report is based on United Nations estimates that consumers waste 280 million tons of food each year.
To put that in perspective, that food waste could fill the MetLife stadium in New Jersey to the brim 560 times.
The U.K. organization, which calls itself WRAP for short, outlines that tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars in food could be saved if consumers were more careful.
"Practical changes, such as lowering the average temperatures of refrigerators or designing better packaging, can make a considerable difference in preventing spoilage," the organization said in a press release.
WRAP estimates that one-quarter of food waste in the developing world could be eliminated with better refrigeration equipment.
But this problem goes well beyond consumer carelessness. Veggies rot on the fields and food can become damaged during processing and distribution.
The UN estimates that 415 million tons of food is wasted at the agriculture level every year and 600 million tons is wasted after harvest, before it reaches consumers.

हजार बर्ष पुरनो भिक्छुको मुर्ती को CT scan गर्दा मानव कङ्काल भेट्यो। Scan reveals 1,000-year-old mummified monk hidden in statue

Source@ CNN news
Story highlights
A mummified monk from China was found inside a golden Buddha statue
Researchers believe the monk practiced "self-mummification"
(CNN)A golden statue of a sitting Buddha, smuggled from a temple in China to a market in the Netherlands, revealed an extraordinary secret -- a 1,000-year-old mummified monk.

Researchers discovered the mummy, encased in a cavity in the statue when a private buyer brought it to the Drents Museum in the Netherlands for restoration.

A CT scan of the golden statue.
A CT scan of the golden statue.
But it wasn't until a team of researchers and scientists did a CT scan -- a comprehensive three dimensional x-ray image -- last year, did they discover the mummy's organs were missing.

"We thought it would be lung tissue, but instead we found little scraps of paper covered with Chinese characters," said Vincent van Vilsteren, an archeology curator from the museum.

Child mummy scanned for clues on ancient life
Child mummy scanned for clues on ancient life 01:39
The mummy was found sitting on a bundle of cloth covered in Chinese inscriptions, revealing its identity as a Buddhist monk called Liuquan who may have practiced "self-mummification" to prepare for life after death.

The process of self-mummification is a known tradition in countries like Japan, China and Thailand, and was practiced over a thousand years ago.

The elaborate and arduous process includes eating a special diet and drinking a poisonous tea so the body would be too toxic to be eaten by maggots. The few monks that were able to successfully complete the process were highly revered.

"We suspect that for the first 200 years, the mummy was exposed and worshiped in a Buddhist temple in China... only in the 14th century did they do all the work to transform it into a nice statue," said van Vilsteren.

Van Vilsteren and his team are still waiting on DNA analysis results in hopes to trace the mummy back to its exact location in China.

The statue is now housed in the National Museum of Natural History in Budapest and will move to Luxembourg in May as a part of an international tour.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Miss Nepal Shristi Shrestha and Sweta Singh in Biratnagar

MORANG, FEB 27 - The Hidden Treasure took its Miss Nepal college campaign and auditions to Biratnagar recently. Miss Nepal 2012, Shristi Shrestha, and Shweta Singh, CEO of the Hidden Treasure, were among those involved in the event.

Shrestha represented her hometown of Chitwan during the Miss Nepal 2012 beauty pageant. And alongwith the coveted crown, she also went on to win the Miss Confidence Award. Additionally, she is also the first Miss Nepal to reach to the quarter finals (20th place) of the Miss World beauty pageant.

In Biratnagar, the organisers visited Management College,

Applied College and Zenith College. The main purpose of this visit was to have Shrestha interact with the students and talk about beauty pageants in general and Miss Nepal in particular.

She also used the opportunity to engage with the students and clarify their doubts about beauty pageants and explain to them the importance of such competitions.

According to the organisers, they received overwhelming response from the students of all the three colleges. Along with Biratnagar, the organisers have also taken their campaign to other cities like Chitwan and Butwal.

एसपी/डिएसपीको सरुवा तथा पदस्थापना(पढ्नुस नामावली)

काठमाडौ, फाल्गुन १४ - प्रहरी प्रधान कार्यालयले हालै बढुवा भएका ३५ जना एसपी (प्रहरी उपरीक्षक) र ३८ जना डिएसपी (प्रहरी नायव उपरीक्षक) को पदस्थापना गरेको छ । साथै, ६ जना एसपी र ५८ जना डिएसपीको सरुवा समेत गरेको छ । फागुन महिनाको तलवभत्ता सरुवा तथा पदस्थापना भएको कार्यालयबाट खाने गरी प्रधानकार्यालयले बुधबार उक्त निर्णय गरेको हो । एसपीको सरुवा तथा पदस्थापनाको निर्णय हिजै  हिजो सार्वजनिक गरिएको हो भने डिएसपीको आज ।

पढ्नुस नामावलीः

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

अब लण्डन मा पहिलो पल्ट तीन जना को एक सन्तान ।Three-parent babies: House of Lords approves law despite fears children could be born sterile

The House of Lords has approved controversial IVF procedures aimed at preventing inherited mitochondrial diseases

Peers have approved historic legislation which would see Britain become the first country in the world to create three-parent babies, despite fears children could be born sterile.

Health minister Lord Howe urged the House of Lords to pass the amendment to the 2008 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act and permit controversial IVF techniques which are aimed at preventing serious inherited mitochondrial diseases.

MPs, including all three main party leaders, voted earlier this month in the Commons to legalise the mitochondrial donation technique, which uses genetic material from a ‘second mother’ to mend DNA faults.

But opponents, including church leaders and pro-life groups, have warned that the change has been brought about too hastily and marked the start of a "slippery slope" towards designer babies and eugenics.

Lord Deben called for a delay and asked peers to form a committee to look at the safety and legality of the procedure.

He warned that children born from the technique could be sterile and argued that the majority of the public did not agree with the procedure.

"We have to protect three sets of people, the families, the children and the wider society," he told the House of Lords.

“We should be concerned about the children who would be born in these circumstances. There are real doubts about safety.”

Former Attorney General Baroness Scotland also said the legislation had been rushed through and argued that neither the current Attorney General Jeremy Wright nor the Lord Chancellor supported the new law.

"This matter is not easy, it's complex. Why the haste?" she added.

Baroness Hollins, chair of the British Medical Association's Science Committee also said she could not support the new legislation while Baroness O'Loan warned that many more egg donors would be needed for the procedure whihc would place women at risk of complications from hyperstimulation.

However Lord Howe said mitochondrial replacement could 'give real hope to families.'

"It would be cruel and perverse to deny them that opportunity for any longer than necessary," he added.

Lord Winston, one of Britain's leading fertility experts, also backed the law.

"I don’t believe that this technology threatens the fabric of our society in the slightest bit. On the contrary in a way it protects it. What we’re doing is recognising our limits by accepting regulation.”

The vote was passed 280 to 45 and will now become law in October. The first babies could be born next Autumn.

Newcastle University has already started offering women £500 to become ‘second mothers’ to three-parent babies.

Last weekend MEPs claimed that Britain has breached EU law and ‘violated human dignity’ by allowing the creating of three-parent babies.

But Chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies has argued that changing the mitochondria is no different from swapping a faulty car battery.

"It would give these women their own children and these families hope, and I believe this is right," she said.

"We have a very strong regulatory system that would regulate first the service and secondly would review every individual case before they could happen."

She also denied the legislation would lead to a "slippery slope" giving way to the creation of designer babies.

The move to amend the 2008 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, which forbids IVF treatments that affect inherited "germline" DNA in eggs and sperm, was carried by 382 votes to 128 in the Commons earlier this month.
Prime Minister David Cameron, Labour leader Ed Miliband and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg exercised their free vote to support the decision.

Research has shown that mitochondrial donation could potentially help almost 2,500 women of reproductive age in the UK who are at risk of transmitting harmful DNA mutations in the mitochondria.

Critics have pointed out no clinical trial has taken place to show conclusively that the treatments are safe in humans.

However, three separate expert reviews for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority found that the procedures are ready to go forward.

नेपाल मा चोर पिटे जस्तै लण्ड्न मा ‘चोर’ पिट्दा तीन नेपाली बेलायतमा जेल चलान

दुई देखि सात वर्षसम्म जेल सजाय

लन्डन , फाल्गुन १३ - कुटपिटमा संलग्न रहेको अभियोगमा बेलायतको एउटा अदालतले तीन नेपाली विद्यार्थीलाई जेल सजाय सुनाएको छ । करिब वर्ष दिन अघि क्रिसमस पार्टी सकेर फर्कने क्रममा ती नेपाली विद्यार्थी कुटपिटमा संलग्न रहेको ठहर गर्दै अदालतले उक्त सजाय सुनाएको हो ।

प्रकाशित मिति: २०७१ फाल्गुन १३ ०६:१३
फोटो को लागि येहा क्लिक गर्नुस।

वायु निगमको नयाँ जहाजको उडान स्थगित

नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमको नयाँ जहाज आजदेखि भारतको नयाँदिल्ली उडान सुरु गर्ने भनिए पनि भारतीय आकाशमा उडानका लागि अनुमति आइनसकेकाले स्थगित भएको छ ।
नयाँ जहाजले पहिलो व्यावसायिक उडान नयाँ दिल्लीमा पुनः उडान सुरु गर्ने तयारी गरेको तर अनुमति आइनसकेको हुनाले स्थगित हुन गएको हो ।
निगमका प्रवक्ता रामहरि शर्माले भारतीय उडान अनुमति आउन बाँकी भएकाले आजको उडान स्थगित गरिएको र बेलुकासम्म अनुमति आउने बताए ।
भारतीय पक्षबाट उडान अनुमति प्राप्त भएपछि आगामी शुक्रबारदेखि उडान सुरु गरिने जानकारी उनले दिए ।
निगमका अनुसार नयाँ दिल्लीका लागि एकतर्फी प्रवद्र्धनात्मक भाडादर नेपालीका लागि रु सात हजार १०० र विदेशीका लागि आठ हजार भाडा तोकिएको छ । निगमले यसअघि नयाँ दिल्ली उडान भर्दै आए पनि विमानको कमीले उडान स्थगन गरेको थियो ।
हाललाई नयाँ दिल्लीको उडान सोमबार, बुधबार, शुक्रबार र शनिबार हुने निगमले जनाएको छ । निगमले गत माघमा एयरबस ‘ए ३२० २००' जहाज (सगरमाथा) नेपाल भित्र्याएको थियो ।

माओवादी को सरकार मा भात खान न पाउने ले लट्ठी चौ पक्का खान पौछ्न।(YCL)वाइसिएलको लाठी सर्वसाधारणको टाउकोमा बर्सियो

एमाओवादी नेतृत्वको मोर्चाले फागुन १६ गते शनिबार काठमाडौँमा प्रदर्शन गर्दैछ। यसैको तयारीका लागि आज दिउँसो वाइसिएलले लाठी जुलुस निकालेको थियो।

माओवादी शान्ति प्रक्रियामा आउँदा वाइसिएल निकै विवादित थियो। बिस्तारै वाइसिएलको नामसमेत सुनिन छाडेको थियो। अहिले एमाओवादीले आन्दोलन चर्काउँदै गर्दा फेरि यो चर्चामा आउन थालेको छ।

आज वाइसिएलले भृकुटीमण्डपबाट लाठी प्रदर्शन गर्ने कार्यक्रम रहेछ। साढे १ बजेदेखि कार्यक्रम सुरु हुने जानकारी न्युजरुममा आएपछि निर्धारित समयमा म त्यहाँ पुगेँ। केही ढिला सुरु भयो जुलुस।

‘वाइसिएल स्वयंसेवक’ लेखिएको रातो टोपी लगाएर बाँसको भाटा बोकेकाहरु उत्तेजित नारा लगाउँदै थिए- आदेश देऊ प्रचण्ड, युद्ध लड्न तयार छौँ। उनीहरु एमाले अध्यक्ष केपी ओली र प्रधानमन्त्री सुशील कोइरालालाई गाली गर्दै चिच्याउँदै थिए।

युथ फोर्स र तरुण दल कहाँ छ वाइसिएल यहाँ छ- उनीहरुको अर्को नारा थियो।

भृकुटीमण्डपबाट सडक कब्जा गर्दै जुलुस लाग्यो भद्रकालीतर्फ। उत्तेजित जुलुस देखेर गाडी र मोटरसाइकल चालकहरु तर्केर हतार हतार मोड्दै थिए। सेनाको मुख्यालय जाने बाटो अगाडि भद्रकालीमा एउटा बाइक आयो। बाइकले हर्न बजाएको जस्तो लागेको थियो, प्रदर्शनकारीहरुले लाठी बर्साइहाले।

एकै छिनमा त्यहाँ अर्को एउटा बाइक आयो। त्यो बाइक जुलुसको साइडबाट जान खोज्दा फेरि उनीहरुले लाठी बर्साए। बाइक र मान्छे दुवैमा लाठी बर्सिएको थियो।
Video को लागि click here

सरकारी कर्मचारी भर EDV भर्नु भको छ? छ भने डीभी/पीआरधारी कर्मचारीलाई कारबाही गर्ने ऐन राज्य व्यवस्था समितिबाट पारित

काठमाडौं, फाल्गुन १३ - डीभी/पीआरधारी कर्मचारीलाई कारबाही गर्नेसहितको निजामति सेवा ऐन संशोधन विद्येयक २०७१ संसदको राज्य व्यवस्था समितिबाट पारित भएको छ ।

पारित विद्येयक संसदको पूर्ण बैठकमा प्रस्तुत हुनेछ । संसदबाट पारित भएपछिमात्रै विद्येयक कानुनकोरुपमा कार्यान्वयनमा जानेछ ।

विद्येयकमा डीभी/पीआरधारी कर्मचारीलाई कारबाही, सेवाको विशिष्टिकरण, कार्यालय समयमा उपलब्ध गराउने विशेषज्ञ सेवाको नियमनलगायत उल्लेख छ ।

सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्री लालबाबु पण्डितले यसअघि नै संसदमा दर्ता गराएको विद्येयक पारित भएको थिएन

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Gayle's record 215 lifts West Indies to 73-run World Cup win

source@ kantipur

Chris Gayle bludgeoned a World Cup-record 215 containing 16 sixes and shared a 372-run partnership with Marlon Samuels Tuesday to guide the West Indies to a 73-run win over Zimbabwe.
Under intense pressure after failing to score a one-day international century since June 2013, Gayle had a reprieve when he survived an lbw appeal decision on the first ball he faced from Tinashe Panyangara.
The 35-year-old Jamaican recovered quickly, surpassing Gary Kirsten's 188 against United Arab Emirates in 1996 as the highest score in the World Cup before he was caught on the last ball of the innings. He and Samuels (133 not out) lifted West Indies from 0-1 to 372-2. Gayle took two wickets as Zimbabwe was bowled out for 289 chasing a revised target of 263 under the Duckworth-Lewis method.

Monday, February 23, 2015

NRN यु.के को बिवाद को अन्त्य।NRN controversy Ended at Last

स्रोत: कन्तिपुर (नवीन पोखेरेल)
गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघ, बेलायत (एनआरएनए यूके) कोकरिब डेढ वर्ष यताको विवाद साम्य भएको छ । एनआरएनए आइसीसीको निर्देशन बमोजिम शनिवार अल्डरसटमा सम्पन्न विशेष साधारणसभाले महेन्द्र कंडेललाई अध्यक्ष घोषणा गरेपछि संस्थाको लामो तिक्तता अन्त्य भएको हो ।
प्रमुख अतिथी एनआरएनए आइसीसी महासचिव कुमार पन्तले होहल्ला र तनावबीच कंडेललाई अध्यक्ष भएको घोषणा गरे । योगेन्द्रबहादुर क्षेत्री पक्षधरहरुको दिनभरिको होहल्ला, माइक खोसाखोस र चकाचर्कीबीच महासचिव पन्तले राती दश बजेतिर कंडेललाई वधाई दिंदै संस्थाको विवाद साम्य पार्न सहयोग गर्ने सबै एनआरएन अगुवाप्रति आभार व्यक्त गरेका थिए ।
‘विगतमा जे जस्ता विमति वा तिक्तता भएपनि यो एकताले संस्थाको छवि पूर्ववत अवस्थामा आउने मेरो अपेक्षा छ’, पन्तले भने, ‘सौहाद्र वातावरणमा अध्यक्ष घोषणा कार्यक्रम हुन नसकेपनि आइसीसीले छानवीन समितिको प्रतिवेदन र बैठकको निर्णय बमोजिम कंडेलजीलाई अब अध्यक्ष स्वीकारेको छ ।’
साधारणसभा चलिरहंदा अध्यक्ष योगेन्द्र क्षेत्री, महासचिव योगकुमार फगामी र सचिव संगिता मरहट्ठाले राजीनामा दिएका छन् ।
यसअघि बिहान भएको उद्घाटन सत्रमा प्रमुख अतिथि कार्यवहाक राजदूत तेजबहादुर क्षेत्री, विशेष अतिथी एनआरएनए आइसीसी महासचिव कुमार पन्त, विशेष अतिथि एनआरएनए युरोप संयोजक अर्जुनकुमार श्रेष्ठ, आइसीसी संरक्षक क्या. रि. हितमान गुरुङ, एनआरएनए यूके संरक्षक मेजर रिटायर्ड डमर घले, संरक्षक सूर्य गुरुङ, आइसीसी सल्लाहकारहरु डा.हेमराज शर्मा, विश्व आदर्श पण्डित, एनआरएनए यूके आइसीसी सदस्य थर्क सेन, आदिवासी जनजाति महासंघ, बेलायतका अध्यक्ष श्री लिम्बु, दूतावासका मिलिट्री अट्याची प्रदीपजंग केसी लगायतले शुभकामना मन्तव्य दिए । शुभकामना मन्तव्यका क्रममा वक्ताहरुलेसंस्थाको चरम विवादले समाज विभाजनको खतरा बढेकोमा चिन्ताव्यक्त गर्दै एकताबाटै समस्या समाधान गर्न सुझाएका थिए । पदीय लोलुपताका कारण संस्थाको छवि केही महिना यता गिरेको धेरैको बुझाइ छ ।
उक्त अवसरमा कोषाध्यक्ष दासुराम पाण्डेले स्वागत मन्तव्य दिएका थिए । कार्यक्रममा वयोवृद्ध सगरमाथा आरोही मीनबहादुर शेरचनको सहयोगार्थ संकलित करिब सात सय पाउण्ड महासचिव पन्तले हस्तान्तरण गरे ।

पोखरामा दुई जाना मा Swine Flu को संक्रमण भेटियो। नेपाल भरी खतरा।

source@kantipur news
Two people were found to have been infected with H1N1 influenza virus, commonly known as swine flu, in Pokhara. A regional laboratory purportedly detected virus in the blood of one 21-year-old male and an 11-year-old child.
According to Bal Krishna Bhusal, chief of the district public health office at Pokhara, the swine flu was detected while conducting tests on the blood sample of two patients admitted at Western Regional Hospital in Pokhara. Both the infected people are residents of Pokhara.
Bhusal further informed that the blood samples have been forwarded to National Public Health Laboratory in Kathmandu for confirmation.
Though the people of bordering towns with India were said to be more susceptible to contracting the disease, the finding of swine flu case in the hill district Kaski, quite far from the border, has stoked fear among the residents of Pokhara.
Bhusal stressed on the need to intensify the awareness programme about swine flu in the tourist town.
The disease can be cured if detected in preliminary stages. The virus usually attacks young people with low immunity.
The first case was of swine flu was detected in Nepal on June 2009. It claimed the lives of over 40 people in the year.

Bollywood Villian शक्ति कपुर को मृत्युु ले सनसनी

Rohit bhattarai, 22 feb 2015, Monday, 15:56
बोलिहुड का 'नन्दु' आर्थत शक्ति कपुर को कार अक्सिडेन्ट मा मृत्यु भयेको खबर viral भये पछी उन्को फोन मा घण्टी बज्ने क्रम रोकिये न।
शक्ति कपुर भन्छन " Early on Saturday, Shakti Kapoor woke up to a flood of calls and messages enquiring about his well-being. This was a reaction to a WhatsApp text that had gone viral declaring that the 56-year-old actor had died in a car crash on his way to Khandala. "I assured them I'm fine but the calls don't stop. I am tired of telling people that I'm not dead," Shakti sighed.
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शक्ति कपुर को मृत्युु ले सनसनी ।