Thursday, March 26, 2015

Here's what we know about the co-pilot who crashed Germanwings flight 9525

The co-pilot of the downed Germanwings Airbus 320 who "intentionally" crashed the plane, according to French officials, has been identified as 28-year-old German national Andreas Lubitz.

Lubitz was from Montabaur, in the Rhineland-Palatinate region of Germany, and had logged 630 flight hours before co-piloting the doomed aircraft.

Lubitz joined Germanwings in September 2013 after training at the Lufthansa Flight Training School in Bremen, according to Lufthansa officials, and was praised by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for "meeting or exceeding the high educational, licensing and medical standards established by the FAA," the Aviation Business Gazette reported in 2013.

The young pilot's evident skills landed him a spot in the prestigious FAA Airmen Certification Database.

Lubitz showed no signs of any psychological problems and passed all of the medical tests administered during his training, a Germanwings official said.

He was a member of the LSC flight club, which posted a death notice on its website naming him, according to the Wall Street Journal: “Andreas became a member of the club as a youth to fulfill his dream of flying,” it said.

"It was his dream fulfilled, the dream he so dearly for with his life.  The members of the LSC Westerwald mourn Andreas and the other 149 victims of the disaster. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the victims of all nationalities."

Lubitz reportedly lived with his parents in Montabaur and kept a flat in Duesseldorf where the doomed Germanwings flight from Barcelona was bound, Montabaur mayor Gabriele Wieland told national news agency, DPA. Public records show Lubitz was also "an avid runner who often took part in local races," the Straits Times reported.

Police deployed outside the Montabaur, #Germany home of Andreas Lubitz, the pilot who crashed the #Germanwings plane

— Auskar Surbakti (@AuskarSurbakti) March 26, 2015
Officials said Thursday that Lubitz showed a "willingness to destroy this plane," the Daily Beast reports, and he could reportedly be heard breathing until the plane crashed, ruling out any kind of medical emergency that may have left him incapacitated.

Lubitz apparently locked the pilot out of the cockpit before deliberately pushing the button to start the plane's descent.

The revelation that Lubitz intentionally downed the plane may answer one of investigators' most pressing questions, including why air traffic controllers were unable to make contact with the plane during the flight's final two minutes, and why the plane made a "very long descent at normal speed without any communications, though the weather was absolutely clear."

Officials are currently investigating Lubitz's background, but a German security official has said there are no indications that Lubitz had any connections to terrorism, according to the NBC, and Germanwings CEO Thomas Winkelmann has said that Lubitz was competent and '100% fit' in all areas.

The more likely explanation seems to be that Lubitz was suicidal.

"While incredibly rare for a pilot to kill himself — and everyone else on a plane — there is both national and international precedent for what experts call 'aircraft-assisted pilot suicides,'” Terrence McCoy wrote in the Washington Post. "According to Federal Aviation Administration data, 24 American pilots have killed themselves while flying their planes in the last two decades."

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

This Is An Ideal Resume For A Mid-Level Employee, CV बनाउने Tips and Tricks

Having a ton of experience under your belt doesn't necessarily mean you have an "impressive" resume.

"You can have all the experience in the world — but if your resume doesn't stand out, if you don't present that information in a well-organized manner, or if it doesn't tell your story, nobody will take the time to look at your resume closely enough to see all that experience," says Amanda Augustine, a career expert at TheLadders, an online job-matching service for professionals.

To get a clearer picture of what makes a resume stand out, we asked Augustine to create a sample of an excellent one for a mid-level professional.

While your resume may look different depending on the industry you're in, the one below should serve as a useful guide for job seekers with about 10 years of experience:

graphics, resume, ideal, mid-level
Skye Gould/Business Insider

What makes this an excellent resume for a mid-level professional? Augustine outlines the following reasons:

1. The job seeker didn't try to squeeze everything into one page.

"At this point in your career, you've earned the extra resume real estate," says Augustine. "Spend more space elaborating on your most recent work, assuming it's most relevant to your current job goals." Include your header at the top of the second page as well, she says, so your name and contact information are always "top of mind" for the reader.

2. A list of the job seeker's core competencies is featured at the top.

Alex's resume contains a list of his core skill sets, usually referred to as, "Areas of Expertise" or, "Core Competencies." "This list serves two purposes," she says. "One, it allows a reader to quickly scan the top portion of the resume and get a good sense of Alex's capabilities; and two, it helps Alex's resume get past the electronic gatekeepers known as Applicant Tracking Systems."

3. Each role is split into responsibilities and key achievements.

Under each job title is a short description that explains Alex's responsibilities in that particular role. "Underneath the description is a set of bullets that highlight his most noteworthy and relevant contributions," Augustine explains. "Be specific and clear when describing your accomplishments and contributions."

4. Information is quantified wherever possible.

Include numbers whenever possible, whether you're describing the size of your budget, the number of events you helped organize, or the number of people you managed.

5. The job seeker used his work experience to show progression.

"Alex's work experience is listed in reverse-chronological order, starting with his current position," she points out. "More space is dedicated to the details of Alex's recent roles and achievements, as employers are most interested in this information and it's directly tied to his current job goals. Even when the job titles are the same, Alex is demonstrating how he's progressed in his career by taking on larger projects, bigger budgets, and more people."

6. The "Education" section was moved to the end of the resume.

Once you've been in the working world for three years, your education section should shift towards the bottom of your resume. "When you first graduate, your new degree is one of your best selling points," Augustine says. "Now that you've been in the workforce for a while, your experience and the skills you've developed should take center stage."

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

१४८ जना सवार जहाज दुर्घटनामा जिवितै भेटिने सम्भावना न्यून

फ्रान्स, चैत्र १० - १४२ यात्रु र ६ जना चालकदलका सदस्यसहित जर्मनविङ्सको एयरबस दुर्घटनामा परेको छ । स्पेनको बार्सिलोनाबाट जर्मनीको डसेलडोर्सका लागि उडेको विमान फ्रान्सको समयअनुसार बिहान साढे १० बजे उडेको थियो । फ्रान्सको आल्पस पर्वतमा जहाज दुर्घटनाग्रस्त भएको हो ।

बिबिसीका अनुसार फ्रान्सेली राष्ट्रपति फ्राँस्वाँ होलनले दुर्घटना भएको क्षेत्र र अवस्था हेर्दा कोही पनि जिवितै भेटिने संभावना नभएको बताएका छन् । उनले दुर्घटनास्थल विकट भएकाले उद्धार टोलीलाई त्यहाँ पुग्न गाह्रो भइरहेको बताएका छन् ।

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Thai Air jet suffers bird hit while landing

KATHMANDU, MAR 22 - A Thai Air aircraft suffered a bird strike on its right engine while landing at Tribhuvan International Airport on Sunday afternoon.

No major damages were caused when the right engine of the Boeing 777 ingested the bird at around 1:35 this afternoon. The plane has now been grounded and engineers from the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal are inspecting the plane to assess the damage caused by the bird hit.

Flight TG 320 had arrived from Bangkok.  It was scheduled to fly to Bangkok at 1 pm. Passengers scheduled to fly on the jet have been left in the lurch as the engineers have not cleared the jet to make the return flight.

The US-made Boeing 777 is among the largest passenger carrying jet flying to Kathmandu .

Bird strike is a persistent problem at the country’s only international airport with a 52 percent incidence of bird strikes occur in TIA as compared to other airports. According to experts, aircraft are significantly at risk during take-off and landing as 90 percent of birds fly below an altitude of 2,000 ft.

Three months ago, a Jet Airways aircraft had to make the emergency landing after suffering a bird hit on its engine while landing.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

विद्यार्थी हरु लाई अन्लाईन नोट्स उपलब्ध गराउदै "नोट्स एकेडेमी " For Quality Notes:- Notes Academy

विद्यार्थी हरु लाई अन्लाईन नोट्स उपलब्ध गराउदै "नोट्स एकेडेमी "
  ईन्टरनेट मा २४ घन्टा बिताउने आज को २१ युग का विद्यार्थी हरु पढ्ने लेख्ने कार्ये पनि ईन्टरनेट मै गर्न रुचाउने विद्यार्थी हरु को लागि सुनौलो अवस्र लिएर  नोटस  एकेडेमी    आएको छ । नोटस एकेडेमी     एउटा फेसबुक पेज हो ,यो पेज कक्षा ११ देखि मास्टर लेभल का सम्पुर्ण नोट्स हरु उपलब्ध गराउने लक्ष्य का साथ खोलिएको पेज का सस्थापक अध्यक्ष रोहित भट्टराई ले जानकारी दिनु भयो । पेज ले विद्यार्थी को सहजताका लागि Thesis,assignment ,Case study पनि उपलब्ध गराउदै आएको छ । सो पेज ले विद्यार्थी हरु ले अन्लाईन फारम मा आफुलाई जुन विषय को नोट जरुरी छ भरेर पठाए त्यो विषय को नोट विद्यार्थी को ईमेलमा पनि पठाइने सस्थाप्क भट्टराई ले बताउनु भयो । पेज मा कक्षा ११-१२ को बिज्ञान र व्यवस्थापन संकायको विद्यार्थी को चाप धेरै भएकाले ती २ संकाय को कुनै एक टपिक को नोटहरू दैनिक प्रकासित गरिरहेको छ । पेज लाई सस्थाप्क दोय रोहित भट्टराई र अभिषेक भट्टराई ले सन्चाल्न गर्दै आएका छन ।आज को कम्पुटर को युग मा विद्यार्थी हरु लाई हस्तलिखित नोट ले भन्दा अन्लाईन नोट ले आकर्सित गर्ने भएका ले आफुहरु येस्तो सुनौलो अव्सर लिएर आएको र यस ले विद्यार्थी हरु लाई धेरै सहयोग गर्ने मा आफुहरु विस्वस्त भएको अभिषेक ले बताए ।

Monday, March 2, 2015

सावधान। होसियार ! Beware! तपाईं पनि पर्न सक्नु हुन्छ।

ईन्टरनेट म माथी को जस्तो title राखेर तपाईं हरु लाई क्लिक गर्न बाद्यय बना ये र जथाभवी status पोस्ट गरिदिने गिरोह को बिग बिगि छ नेपाल मा।
येस्तो रोक्ने एउतै उपये छ जस्ले तपाईं लाई त्यो लिन्क तपाईंको फेस्बुका account बाट हटाइदिन्छ।
त्य्स्को लागि येहा क्लिक गर्नुस।

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Here's your first look at Samsung's new phones: The Galaxy S 6 and Galaxy S 6 Edge

Samsung is starting from scratch.

Over the last four years, its flagship Galaxy S phones have sported the best displays and most powerful chips in the industry, but all of that was wrapped in cheap-feeling plastic casings. Meanwhile, Apple, HTC, and Xiaomi have been pumping out gorgeous phones made out of premium materials.

That will change in April when Samsung launches the Galaxy S 6, its new flagship phone announced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The Galaxy S 6 is made entirely of metal and glass and will come in two variations: The "regular" Galaxy S 6 and the Galaxy S 6 edge, which has a curved screen.

Samsung started designing the Galaxy S 6 from the ground up about a year ago under a program it called Project Zero. Whereas the last few Galaxy models were designed with the previous model in mind, the Galaxy S 6 is entirely new. Samsung even abandoned some of its earlier principles in order to highlight the design of the Galaxy S 6. It's not waterproof. You can't swap out the battery. And there's no slot to insert extra memory.

Samsung Galaxy S 6

Both models do all the same stuff, except the Galaxy S 6 edge has a few extras. It lets you swipe over from the curved portion of the screen to view a list of your favorite contacts and get alerts when you have a missed call or text from one of them. Other than that, Samsung says the curved screen doesn't serve any function other than to look good. (It'll also be more expensive, but Samsung hasn't said how much either phone will cost yet.)

GalaxyS6EdgeNotificationsOfficial.JPGThe Galaxy S 6 will come in a variety of shimmery colors — white, black, gold, blue, and dark green. Samsung used a special process to make the glass shift colors when viewed at different angles, and there's an aluminum frame around the edge holding it all together.

GalaxyS6EdgeOfficialColorsBesides the physical design, Samsung has cleaned up its software too. The phone isn't bogged down with a bunch of unnecessary features and extras. The new version of Samsung's TouchWiz skin for Android is cleaner and easier to navigate. All the basic apps like email, calendar, and music have a new look. Plus, the phone will ship with some of Microsoft's Android apps like OneNote, OneDrive, and Skype.

On the hardware site, Samsung improved the phone's 16 MP camera with optical image stabilization and some software features like one that lets you track a moving subject and remain focused on it. The phone also includes a special plug that lets you charge it faster than normal, up to 50% in 25 minutes. Samsung also included wireless charging for the first time. It works with standard wireless chargers, or you can buy Samsung's own charger, which looks kind of cool:

GalaxyS6ChargingOfficialSamsung also improved the fingerprint sensor embedded in the home button. Last year's model required you to swipe your finger across the button just right in order to unlock the device. The Galaxy S 6's sensor is more like the Touch ID sensor on the iPhone, which means you can place your finger on the button in any orientation and it'll register. In our tests, the Galaxy S 6 fingerprint sensor worked just as well as the one on the iPhone.

The new fingerprint sensor also enables Samsung's new mobile payments platform Samsung Pay, which will launch this summer. Visa and MasterCard have already signed up as partners, and Samsung says its in discussions with credit cards and banks like Bank of America and American Express to bring them on board in time for launch.

GalaxyS6OfficialHomeButton.JPGSamsung Pay will have one key advantage over Apple Pay though. It'll work with regular magnetic credit card readers, which in theory means it'll be compatible with far more retailers' payment terminals. Apple Pay only works if the retailer has a special NFC payment pad. (Samsung Pay will also support NFC.)

The magnetic card reader technology is powered by LoopPay, a startup Samsung bought a few weeks ago. However, Samsung Pay is only for making purchases in physical stores, you can't use it to make purchases online or through shopping apps like you can with Apple Pay.

Now comes the hard part. Samsung has been struggling to compete at the high-end of the smartphone market as new companies emerged that make phones that are just as good, but cost half as much. So far, Samsung phones haven't been able to differentiate themselves enough to justify their extra cost. The hope this time seems to be a premium design will do the trick.

The Galaxy S 6 and Galaxy S 6 edge go on sale on April 10 on all the major carriers. It'll come in 32 GB, 64 GB, or 128 GB options for storage. Pricing will vary by carrier.

एसिड अभियुक्त को स्केच मा भएको मान्छे पक्राउ ।

एसिड अभियुक्त पक्राउ , टियुसोन पडेर फर्केको बेला बशन्तपुर मा एसिड प्रहार गर्ने अभियुता पक्रौ, अभियुक्त को नाम "मनोज निरौला" हो।तस्वीर सहित